Wrexit Means Brexit

by duncanr

the old year is nearly done now – and a new year beckons

let’s hope it’s better than the last – filled with horrors too many to mention

amongst which was . . .

3 Comments to “Wrexit Means Brexit”

  1. Brexit was a horror ?

    Or are you referring to Cassetteboy’s video ?


    • I voted to remain in the EU

      I was in the minority

      I was not happy about that decision but hey, ho – we live in a democracy and sometimes you win, other times you lose. Needs be, you have to accept the decision and move on

      what profoundly saddened me, however, was the important part (apparently) bigoted, anti-islamic, anti-immigrant views and sentiment played in influencing the decisions of some folk in the ‘leave’ camp, and the post-vote surge in reported homophobic, islamophobic, anti-immigrant hate crimes by far-right supporters


  2. Yes. The mighty Cassetteboy!


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